Monday, February 05, 2007


This last weekend we went to the LA/SoCal FCC regional Chinese New Year banquet. What a riot! The kids were absolutely adorable. One woman and I were talking about how amazing it was to have all the kids in one place. There were acrobats, a juggler, dancing, and we had some Chinese food that could best be described as Mamahuhu. BUT I had a good time. I talked to a few new people, I met Gwen, Meg and Christi. Here's a picture of Laina with the Chinatown Princesses. She fits right in, doesn't she?

I cropped this next picture because I want you to notice this little adorable curly headed girl. I'm not sure how to spell her name, but her parents and friends call her something that sounds like "Chaiya" so that's what I'll call her. Notice Chaiya's doll? Laina also noticed her doll and spent a lot of her time trying to figure out how she could get this doll away from Chaiya. Once, Chaiya was sitting down in the middle of the dance floor and Laina siddled up next to her, but just a little bit behind so Chaiya couldn't really see her, and tried to reach around the side and grap the dolls head and yank it out of Chaiya's arms. I had to watch Laina like a hawk, because Laina would hunt Chaiya down and try to find that doll. Another time, Chaiya's mom was holding the doll in her arms and Laina saw that Chaiya didn't have the doll and turned to me and said, "Mom, Laina turn, doll?". Sorry kiddo...not your doll.

This is a picture that Jorg took at the exact moment that Laina decided that the Lion dancing was terrifying. We left soon after this picture was taken.

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