Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Yesterday Laina was wearing her new purple dress and I thought it would be cute to have a photo shoot of her in her purple dress with Purple Fuzzy Bear. This is the only picture I got of them together in the "formal set up" that I had envisioned. Yeah, a plastic deck chair is really formal, isn't it?

After one shot, this is the next one that I got.

Before I knew it, this is the next thing that happens.

Do you see that poor Purple Fuzzy Bear is learning how to float on his back?
After I squeezed him out a bit I wanted to see what Laina would do. She carries him and loves on him a little bit.

Then she gives him a drink of water.

I rescued him not long after that, wrung him out and hung him up to dry.

This distressed Laina greatly.

She cried when I made her come in the house without Bear. She went to sleep without him, too. I tried to substitute another bear, but she didn't want any other bear. She didn't cry, though. She still had Pan-Pan and I guess that was enough.


Anonymous said...

At least she made sure he didn't become dehydrated from all the playing! ;0)

Anonymous said...

So great to be able to come here for a morning laugh! :) What a beautiful and THOUGHTFUL purple girl. - Jo